Monday, November 30, 2015

Concept Design Goal

»  I can articulate my own initial thoughts and ideas of what I want to create
»  WRITE: Write a description of your concept design direction.


Write a post in your PDB describing your initial concept design direction in full detail.  This is a sub goal of your ‘big’ goal.  Include: background info, reference images, thoughts and rationale.  This should be two to three paragraphs.  Give this post a label of “DesignGoal”.


I will create a concept design for the main character of my game.  It will be a steam punk robot to match the theme of my game.   (But with more details)


'Life Vision'

‘Life Vision'

Write your ‘Life Vision'.   What does that mean?  Basically, as of today, what do you want to do with your life?  I know this can be a really difficult question, some have known since they were 2 years old and others have no clue;  that is okay.  I want you to really think about it.  What do you really enjoy doing? What can you see yourself doing for the rest of your life?  What do you do in your spare time for fun? Your goal can be based on career direction, hobbies, or special interests.  Basically, in a paragraph or two, write a detailed description of what you want to do or could do with your life.  The goal does not have to be related to this course, but related to you and your life.   Also included how technology or design play or could play a role in your future.    Give this post a label of “Life”.

Animatronics is the perfect blend of art and technology and I am passionate about both. Particularly, I love animatronics!  It has been a passion of mine for years.  Ever since, the movie ET was released, I have been obsessed with the visual effects behind it.   ET was one of the first movies to release a ‘making of’ documentary and after I watched it I was hooked.  I want to learn everything I can about the animatronics industry and make an animatronic creature.

I have been playing video games all my life and I want to explore how to make one.  I understand that video games are generally made by a team, not by individuals, and taking years to create.   I probably will not be able toofinish an entire game myself, but that is the end goal.   To start, I want to focus and learn the character design process, design my own character, create a 3d model of the character, and learn the basic features of importing the character into a game engine.  I will design and create a 3d model of a character to be used in a video game.

Thursday, September 26, 2013


»  I can write a brief introduction for my project.

»  WRITE:  Develop a simple overview of the project to  give the viewer an idea of what the project is about.

The Introduction is important, it gives you a chance to introduce the project.  Write a simple introduction 2 –3 paragraphs describing your project.   I would suggest to adding  a small  photo/render of your final projects or work-in-progress.  
*Also you final introduction might be the last thing you write.