Monday, September 23, 2013

Bibliography Resource Guide


Author (if known). “Title of page or document.” Title of website or larger name. Date of document (if known). Name of sponsoring organisation. Date accessed. <http…..>

Eg: “lunar Eclipse.” Science @ NASA. 12 February 2007. NASA. 1 March 2007 <>

A book by one Author

Authors last name, first name. Title of book. Place of publication: publisher, date of publication.

Eg: Berlage, Gai Ingham. Women in Baseball: the forgotten history. Westport: Greenwood, 1994.

A book by more than one author

First authors last name, first name. Second author’s first name and second name. Title of book. Place of publication: publisher, date of publication.

Eg: Hutcheon, Linda and Michael Hutcheon. Bodily Charm: Living Opera. Lincoln: U of Nerbraska P, 2000

A magazine or Newspaper Article

Authors last name, first name. “Title of Article.” Title of magazine or Newspaper Date of issue, pages.

Eg: Weintraub, Arlene and Laura Cohen. “A thousand-year plan for Nuclear Waste. “ Business week 6 May 2002: 94-96.

An encyclopaedia Article

Authors last name, first name. “Title of Article.” Title of encyclopaedia, edition

Eg: Mohanty, Jitendra M. “Indian philosophy.” The New Encyclopaedia Britannica: Micropaedia. 15th ed. 1987.

A personal E-mail

Author of emails last name, first name. “Subject line.” Email to name (person being emailed). Date received.

Eg: Boyle, Anthony T. “Re: Uptopia” Email to Daniel J. Cahill. 21st June 2007.

An interview

Person’s last name, first name. Type of interview. Date of interview.

Eg: Rowling, J.K. Email interview. 8-12 May 2002