Friday, September 20, 2013

Overall Evaluation

»  I can carry out tests to evaluate the product/solution against the design specification.
»  I can evaluate the success of the product /solution in an objective manner based on testing, my own
     views and the views of the intended user. 
»  I can discuss the impact of my product on me, others and/or the environment.
»  I can evaluate the impact of the product / solution on individuals and on society. 
»  I can explain how the product / solution could be improved.
»  I can evaluate my performance at each stage of the design cycle.

»  I can suggest ways in which my performance could be improved

»  You to prepare a written report which should addresses the points as detailed below.  (250 word minimum)
          »  Carry out tests to evaluate the product/solution against the design specification.  
          »  Evaluate the success of the product /solution in an objective manner based on testing, your
              own views and the views of the intended user.
          »  Discuss the impact of my product on me, others and/or the environment
          »  Evaluate the impact of the product / solution on individuals and on society.
          »  Explain how the product / solution could be improved.
          »  Evaluate your performance at each stage of the design cycle.
          »  Compared my predicted time plan with the actual and gave reasons for the changes
          »  Suggest ways in which your performance could be improved
